Which Innovations Are You Excited About?

"Innovation is not just coming from Silicon Valley. It's coming from everywhere, the heartland. It's coming from all over the world. So, I do a lot of venture capital in Latin America, and the amount of truly innovative ideas that we're seeing that we can then bring to the US is amazing. And so, I think that's important because the more entrepreneurs and problem solvers and innovators that you have in places where they didn't exist before means that you're going to have opportunities for great ideas that benefit us to flow into our culture as well. And also, you're going to have less poverty around the world, you're going to have a lot more cooperation, so I'm hopeful about the world going forward because I think that good ideas can propagate faster than they ever have before and we have much more connectivity to do that. And I also think that, I had a really awesome guy on my podcast called Sergey Young, who wrote a book called the Science and Technology of Growing Young, and it was all about longevity. And a lot of that stuff is, you know how these singularity university people are like? "Well, in three years, we'll be able to grow a new kidney in a lab." And you're like, "No, that's probably not going to happen."."

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