The System Is Broken

"There's a great book by Michael Porter and Katherine Gehl that's called "The Politics Industry". And I had them both on my podcast, FOMO Sapiens. And basically, they looked at the political industry in the United States from the framework of Porter's Five Forces, which is the way that we analyze competition, his famous framework. And they found that the political parties in the United States are designed to self-perpetuate and gather resources in terms of power and money. They are not designed to serve the interests of their customers, which are the people. And so both political parties are just, they're about amassing capital and power. And not letting new entrance in, which is why we have primaries where it's Democrat, Republican, then they go to the final. And then you throw in the conservative or sorry, the independent. And they have no shot. So, it's a bunch of malarkey. And so, what I am focused on in, sort of, as we think about the world we're living in today, I've gotten pretty involved in politics, not from an ideological perspective. Because I don't, people can believe what they want, it's fine by me. I don't really care. I'm more focused on how do we create a system that reflects the will of all the people so that we have outcomes, we don't have gridlock. We have bodies of government that can actually get things done that can create an environment where business is thriving, where we're competitive. Because what we know now is because our government is so broken, the US is less competitive on a global scale versus a lot of other countries. And so businesses are hobbled."

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