The Reality Of $200 Million Deals

"Oh, just want to give you, which is a quick example to label set. If you're out there and you're FOMOing, fear of missing out, that all these guys are, money is raining from the sky. They've done a quick deal. This is there, oh, here's a big one, like I'm a serial entrepreneur, or this is my fifth deal. I've been in three transactions in three years. I'm going to transaction now. Say it's between $300 and $400 million. The sale has been going on for two and a half years of the company. Diligence, micropayments are going out all the time. Diligence continues every day. Even when the transaction is completely done, there are still holdbacks that are meaningful on the transaction. This is a well-known company. Internet company, you would recognize her name. You may have bought something from them, almost have $400 million in a transaction. The level of diligence, the level of scrutiny and the transaction isn't going through because of, it's sort of grinding itself to a slow halt because of government oversight, because of legal, like these transactions are very difficult to have to happen. $200 million doesn't just, sort of, people meet in a day. They agree to $200 million. You put out a press release, the press release is $200 million. Do not have a fear of missing out. I would say. And I would ask you, how many of the press releases do you think, kind of, don't actually come to fruition. They're like announcements on Shark Tank. I'll do that deal. But then they have to do due diligence. And, you know, and the deals don't go through.

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