Capital Flows To Deals

"I just had this amazing network, and I invested, oh, God, I don't want to say, you know, how many years, but years in building this network, and the net, you know, result of that was a big, f***ing donut because the deals are so specific that they don't, so say there are 350 - 400 venture firms, right, and on top of that, say there are 350 private equity firms, and on top of that, say there's, in this game maybe, sort of the Nathan Myhrvold's of the world who are billionaires but operators. Then on top of that, there's sort of 17 true billionaires, and maybe on top of that there's 60 $400 million guys kind of, in the game, but that is a very complex network of finance across thousands of firms, and so you get a deal, right? It's accounting software that uses AI to predict the likelihood of you getting an IRS audit and highlights those things so you can fix them before you file your taxes, right? Very specific thing, valuable, exciting, growing fast, but the chances that your relationship network is a solid match for that specific thing, I found to be very low. Finally, I had a partner, and he said, "You got it all wrong, Oren," and this was the big takeaway. I'll let you comment. Capital flows to deals. "

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